
Health, Wisdom, Inspiration
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2018 Articles

Why Community Wins

Why Community Wins

by Allison Dearling - Chief of the Live and Breathe Yoga Community   Everyone wins when there is a strong sense of community. For community to flourish and make the world better, it needs three things in equal parts: Inspiration – a passionate leader who inspires...

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On Living Life

On Living Life

Life, happiness, and connecting to your source   by Meredith Starck - Belama House Yoga Shala   Living life each day can guide our direction in what we choose to do. The path to find a balance seems to be a need for us all. Keeping a journal for most of my...

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bodhi house

bodhi house

by Jason & Naomi MacKenzie - bodhi house   bodhi house began when two souls became one and their love for service blossomed into an idea of starting a community-focused centre around some of their talents. This service seeks to foster and balance the...

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Yoga Tools  For Learning & Life

Yoga Tools For Learning & Life

by Tracey Uber Cook - Yoga Tools For Schools Inc.   Since 2016, Yoga Tools for Schools has had the honour of participating in the Communities For Children (CfC) initiative, offering free wellbeing support to primary school educators, and families in the...

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From Functioning  To Flourishing!

From Functioning To Flourishing!

by Kerry Spina - Parent Educator Collective   Here is a mindful practice to help kick-start your day. This practise aims to cultivate awareness and the pace you travel to support you to make more space for calm, connection and joy no matter how out-of-sync or...

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A Different  Reason To Meditate

A Different Reason To Meditate

by Belinda Stevenson - Karmness Centre   Meditation and mindfulness are such buzz words at the moment aren’t they? We all have this “knowing” that this is something we should be incorporating into our life, but do we really know why? There are so many myths and...

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Family Soul Healing

Family Soul Healing

by Tatjana Hannan - Sea of Harmony   We all are born innocent, with our hearts open into the long history of our family. The love for our parents and the need to survive creates bonds and loyalties. When events from the past are still affecting you and your...

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Co-Creative Visioning

Co-Creative Visioning

by Lisa Mackenzie - Spirit of Boheme   Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, have or do in our lives but they remain just that: fleeting. After all, who has the time to intentionally get clear about what they want to create? A vision board is a...

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Naturally  Healthy Massage

Naturally Healthy Massage

by Debra Stark - Naturally Healthy Massage   Our Naturally Healthy Massage clinic was established in 2006 with a mission to restore optimal health naturally through the support of qualified caring therapists offering a variety of healing modalities. With...

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Local Organic  Car Care

Local Organic Car Care

by Elisa Kovacs - Buff Me   These days we are empowered with choice when it comes to our own health and wellbeing. There is a movement of realisation which is seeing more and more people make empowered choices about what they are prepared to expose themselves and...

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Artisan  Vegan  Kitchen

Artisan Vegan Kitchen

by Rosemary Schmid - Artisan Vegan   Rosemary Schmid has recently set up her commercial kitchen and new business called Artisan Vegan which provides the knowledge and skills for learning how to prepare naturally healthy and wholesome foods for the whole family....

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Eating Rainbows

Eating Rainbows

by Karen Vidler - Farmers Cafe   ‘Let food be thy medicine’ is the uniting mandate of Family Life Organics and Farmers Cafe; sharing a space where together they focus on providing delicious food to nourish the body and soul. As small family businesses, they...

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by the DanceNorth Team   Dancenorth has been an epicentre for collaboration and artistic exchange for many years. It is a great place to have fun and be active, try new dance styles and meet new people, with a wide range of ‘Open Classes’ on offer. Open Class is...

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Soul Nourishing  By The Ocean

Soul Nourishing By The Ocean

by Sue Tilley - The Drill Hall Studio   Have you discovered the Drill Hall Studio? If not, be sure to make a time to discover this beautifully restored building by The Strand on Mitchell Street. The Drill Hall Studio is an Aladdin’s cave of wonderful locally...

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Healing  With  Clay

Healing With Clay

by Sharon O’Donnell I had just started counselling sessions to help me deal with PTSD. A friend had just passed away of brain cancer too young. I was a mum to four boys under the age of five. I was struggling. On my way to work everyday, I would pass a huge barn like...

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2017 Articles

Letting Go or Not Holding On

Letting Go or Not Holding On

Photo by Bryan Minear on Unsplash   Article by Allison Dearling, Live and Breathe Yoga   I’m a worrier, a planner, a control freak and I find letting go of things (past and future) very difficult. In the yogic texts we are told not to be controlling and to...

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Yoga for Creative Thinking

Yoga for Creative Thinking

by Vicki Salisbury, Yoga in the Parlour   Did you know that the history of “western style” thinking started in Europe with “The Gang of Three”, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle? They presented techniques we still use to make sense of the world; analysis, argument...

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The Snake Spine

The Snake Spine

by Paddy McGrath, Dancing Spine Yoga   Our spines are not interested in lengthening, stretching, straightening or any of that ‘stuff that we demand of it.’ Our spine does something much more superior. Due to its clever, individually articulated, vertebral design,...

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Yoga for Optimal Health

Yoga for Optimal Health

by Dr Ray Mullen and Jennifer Mullen, Nautilus Health   We love sharing a meditation, breath and movement practice that we’ve enjoyed for almost 24 years. We’ve practised many forms of yoga including Hatha, Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga. Yoga has become our morning...

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Fast, Effective Muscle Relief

Fast, Effective Muscle Relief

by the Combined Therapies Team   The EMMETT Technique is an amazingly gentle, safe and simple to apply muscle release therapy. It is used to address pain and discomfort, improve body movement, aid relaxation and improve one’s quality of life. It involves the...

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Float Pod Rejuvenation

Float Pod Rejuvenation

by Emma Edwards and Lachlan Graham, The Float House Townsville   Floatation therapy is where you float effortlessly inside a float pod that is a light and sound-free environment, and contains twelve inches of water with 550kg of Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate)...

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Find the Cause

Find the Cause

by Sue Edge, Serenity Massage   We all know that massage releases tight muscles, is great for relaxation and can relieve headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain. If you suffer from any of these symptoms you know how debilitating this can be. As your massage...

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How’s Your Form

How’s Your Form

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash   Article by Sharn Rocco, Mindful Works   A good life is a life lived consciously. Within the ancient traditions of mindfulness practice, the intention to live consciously is supported by intention and attention to form....

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Realising the Possibilities

Realising the Possibilities

by Helen Sheeran, Realising Possibilities   Hypnosis is a serious option in the treatment of addiction, anxiety, depression, phobias, chronic and acute pain. Hypnosis creates a highly-relaxed state of inner concentration for patients, and the technique can be...

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Kell’s AdVenture

Kell’s AdVenture

by Jasmine Healy-Pagan, Sundalah   I met up with Kelly Bolger in her fresh new cafe in Hermit Park, called Kell’s Kitchen and Brew Bar, to learn a little about how this new venture came about. What made you decide to open Kell’s Kitchen and Brew Bar? I’ve worked...

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Find Your Passion

Find Your Passion

Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash   by Dea Mitchell, Mitchell Music   Have you ever looked closely at someone playing an instrument? Did you notice that glint in their eyes, the smile on their face and the joy emanating from them? As a private music teacher,...

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2016 Articles

Welcome to our Sundalah Community

Welcome to our Sundalah Community

Welcome to our 4th annual Sundalah Mini Mag! This publication was first created in 2013 to inform our town of the wonderful community events we share each year. For many years, hundreds of people have gathered at Sundalah Sunday (this year 28 August) and Global Mala...

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Yoga for Supportive Learning

Yoga for Supportive Learning

by Kylie Grimmer & Sandra Croaker, Yoga Tools For Schools Routine application of Yoga Tools contributes to the co-creation of respectful and supportive learning environments. Yoga Tools For Schools Inc has been delivering Professional Development trainings since...

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Resisting the Yoga Mat?

Resisting the Yoga Mat?

by Allison Dearling, Live and Breathe Yoga   It’s really hard to commit ourselves to a yoga practice. Let’s face it – it’s really hard to commit ourselves to anything that will be good for us. Anything worthwhile takes grit, determination and a whole lot of...

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Yoga for our Young People

Yoga for our Young People

by Jasmine Healy-Pagan, Sundalah   Our young people are growing up in incredibly complex times. With the average person now absorbing five times more visual stimulation than in the 1980s, it is no wonder that our nervous systems are on overdrive. Simplicity, calm...

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What is Yoga Therapy?

What is Yoga Therapy?

by Vicki Salisbury, Yoga in the Parlour   None of the 20 or so women enrolled in the course had a clear picture of exactly what a Yoga Therapist actually does. However, each one of us had committed the next 12 months of our lives to become one. “Devine unknowing”...

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Listen to YOUR Greatness .. BEing Curious

Listen to YOUR Greatness .. BEing Curious

by Robyn James, Woman Real Ignited   How many times a day do you pause to listen to YOUR greatness, to your internal world of wisdom, your natural guidance? Sometimes we listen to the wrong voice; we listen to the judge and the inner critic/victim reminding us we...

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How to Wake Up

How to Wake Up

Photo by David Mao on Unsplash   Article by Sharn Rocco, Mindful Works   The start of every day is an opportunity to wake up mindfully, to start the day with awareness. Every day is an opportunity to begin again, to choose a good beginning. Many of the...

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5 Tips for Strong, Healthy Feet

5 Tips for Strong, Healthy Feet

by Hayley Paterson, Foundation Podiatry   Our feet are an engineering masterpiece, so let’s keep them that way! The 66 joints that make up your feet affect every joint right up to your neck. When neglected, our feet break down over time, leading to foot pain and...

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Foods to Boost Brain Health

Foods to Boost Brain Health

by The Source Bulk Foods   Are you looking for a healthy way to clear your mind haze? Check out how these foods can give your brain a vibrant boost. The brain is the body’s greediest organ and a malnourished brain will always have difficulty in functioning and...

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Why Buy Local?

Why Buy Local?

by Jasmine Healy-Pagan, Sundalah   When we shop locally from independent and locally owned small businesses we are strengthening our community in more ways than just keeping dollars in our great town! Local businesses are usually owned by people who live in our...

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2015 Articles

Welcome to our Sundalah CommUNITY

Welcome to our Sundalah CommUNITY

by Jasmine Healy-Pagan, Sundalah   How wonderful it is to see an abundance of yoga options flowing in our beautiful town! More and more people are learning that yoga is a multi-dimensional system that offers a variety of ways to support life. The intrinsic...

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The Benefits of Yoga

The Benefits of Yoga

by Dr Kimberly Richter, Flow Yoga Health   Everyone’s doing it - from elite athletes to the injured, from children to the elderly, but what’s it really all about and what’s in it for you? As a chiropractor, acupuncture provider and yoga teacher, I’ve seen...

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Yoga in Natural Surrounds

Yoga in Natural Surrounds

by Meredith Starck, Golden Dolphin Yoga   To be able to practise yoga in natural surrounds is to be touched by the subtle rhythms of life. Through it we can sense the seasons changing and find an awakened intuition; a path into a conscious connection to a space...

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The Emmett Technique

The Emmett Technique

by Ross Emmett, Combined Therapies   The Emmett technique is a method of soft tissue adjustment, used as a complementary therapy. The technique involves applying light pressure at particular points and in sequences that enables the gentle physical release of...

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Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

by Isabella Cannon, Yoga Balance   Yin and Yang are Taoist concepts and are the terms used to describe all types of phenomena. Yin is the stable, unmoving hidden aspect of things while Yang is the moving, changing, revealing aspect. Yin Yoga is a practice of...

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Why do schools need Yoga Tools?

Why do schools need Yoga Tools?

by Jasmine Healy-Pagan, Yoga Tools For Schools Inc.   Science has shown, and educators can confirm, that when we are anxious, frustrated or stressed, it is difficult to teach and nearly impossible to learn. Unfortunately, more adults and children are suffering...

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Understanding & Practising Mindfulness

Understanding & Practising Mindfulness

by Dr Sharn Rocco, Mindful Works   Understanding and practising mindfulness helps us to face up to some basic facts of life: pain and difficulties are inevitable, but how we respond to them is changeable; we can’t change anyone’s behaviour but our own; we are...

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Why “Om Tucker”?

by Cath McLellan, Om Tucker   Why Om Tucker? As a yoga teacher I have always loved to chant Om. To answer the question ‘what does Om mean?’ would take much historical and spiritual explanation, which is not required here, as Om Tucker isn’t based on the meaning...

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Recipe – Multi-Grain Bircher

Recipe – Multi-Grain Bircher

(original recipe by Tony Chiodo) This is a quick easy recipe that will set you up for a wholesome breakfast throughout the week. All you need to do is pre-soak it the night before. It works well as a travel breakfast. Spoon into a jar, seal and enjoy when required....

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The Power of the Muffin

The Power of the Muffin

by Vicki Salisbury, Vicki Salisbury Yoga   At the age of 59 I was confronted with two choices: Path #1 continue as per usual, over-stressed, over-weight, over-it. Path #2 reinvent myself. Fortunately, I selected option two, celebrating my 60th birthday 32 kilos...

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2014 Articles

Sundalah – A Health and Happiness CommUNITY

Sundalah – A Health and Happiness CommUNITY

by Jasmine Healy-Pagan   Each day we rise to a range of choices, such as how we choose to eat, speak, work, play, rest, and so on. Our choices determine our experiences along the path and uncertain timeline called Life. Creating health and happiness throughout...

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Yoga Practice

Yoga Practice

by Allison Dearling, Live and Breathe Yoga   When I talk to people new to yoga I often hear, “Oh I’m not flexible enough for yoga” - and to be honest it drives me crazy! It’s like saying, “Oh I’m too hungry to eat dinner.” Yoga is not about being bendy. It’s so...

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Reflections – Mysore Musings

Reflections – Mysore Musings

by Dani Ceccarelli, Yoga on Magnetic   Mysore, where you adorn your scooter with marigolds, and a goat eats them. Mysore is a medium-sized, picturesque city in southern India. Among Ashtanga Yogis, Mysore is also a state of mind; it’s where you go to become...

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Meditation – Exploring the Mind

Meditation – Exploring the Mind

by Sonia Anear, Anahata Wellbeing   In our fast paced society where we are constantly ‘doing’ and we have stimulus coming at us from all directions, meditation provides the opportunity to still the mind for self-awareness, for healing and to take time out from...

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Nutrition – 5 Top Nutrition Tips

Nutrition – 5 Top Nutrition Tips

by Harry Normand, Spark Movement Studio   Chew your food - the more you chew, the less work your internal digestive processes have to do, leaving you with more energy for other things.· Chewing also gives your nervous system time to figure out roughly what's in...

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Dance – Dance is a Pathway

Dance – Dance is a Pathway

by Bernadette Ashley, Movimiento Latin & World Dance Studio People come to my studio ostensibly to 'learn to dance'. Weighed down by the daily grind and by myriad responsibilities which leave little room for self expression or celebration, street latin dance must...

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