What is Yoga Therapy?
by Vicki Salisbury, Yoga in the Parlour None of the 20 or so women enrolled in the course had a clear picture of exactly what a Yoga Therapist actually does. However, each one of us had committed the next 12 months of our lives to become one. “Devine unknowing”...
Listen to YOUR Greatness .. BEing Curious
by Robyn James, Woman Real Ignited How many times a day do you pause to listen to YOUR greatness, to your internal world of wisdom, your natural guidance? Sometimes we listen to the wrong voice; we listen to the judge and the inner critic/victim reminding us we...
How to Wake Up
Photo by David Mao on Unsplash Article by Sharn Rocco, Mindful Works The start of every day is an opportunity to wake up mindfully, to start the day with awareness. Every day is an opportunity to begin again, to choose a good beginning. Many of the...
5 Tips for Strong, Healthy Feet
by Hayley Paterson, Foundation Podiatry Our feet are an engineering masterpiece, so let’s keep them that way! The 66 joints that make up your feet affect every joint right up to your neck. When neglected, our feet break down over time, leading to foot pain and...
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