Letting Go or Not Holding On
Photo by Bryan Minear on Unsplash Article by Allison Dearling, Live and Breathe Yoga I’m a worrier, a planner, a control freak and I find letting go of things (past and future) very difficult. In the yogic texts we are told not to be controlling and to...
Yoga for Creative Thinking
by Vicki Salisbury, Yoga in the Parlour Did you know that the history of “western style” thinking started in Europe with “The Gang of Three”, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle? They presented techniques we still use to make sense of the world; analysis, argument...
The Snake Spine
by Paddy McGrath, Dancing Spine Yoga Our spines are not interested in lengthening, stretching, straightening or any of that ‘stuff that we demand of it.’ Our spine does something much more superior. Due to its clever, individually articulated, vertebral design,...
Yoga for Optimal Health
by Dr Ray Mullen and Jennifer Mullen, Nautilus Health We love sharing a meditation, breath and movement practice that we’ve enjoyed for almost 24 years. We’ve practised many forms of yoga including Hatha, Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga. Yoga has become our morning...
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